Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spinning My Weight Loss Wheels

I know that I started this blog with the intention of keeping track of my weight loss during 2011. Since we're past the halfway point, I have to admit that I haven't lost a pound.*

We tried working out at the gym at our old apartment. We made motivational posters. We danced until we dropped doing Zumba. We joined Snap. We even ran a 5K.

And after all that, I still weigh exactly the same as I did on the day I created this blog. Granted, we haven't been to the gym in a couple of months. We've been so busy that we haven't had time to focus on ourselves. (I know that sounds like a lame excuse, but it's all I've got.)

Well, Jackie and I are once again getting back on the wagon. We're going all out with Weight Watchers. Jackie has already written the points value on every bit of food in our house. She has even created a food journal for me. We are also going to start going back to the gym.

I have to succeed this time. Failure is not an option. There is still a lot of time left in 2011. I'll try not to waste it.

*To be honest, I did lose a little bit of weight (about 7 pounds), but I quickly gained it back.


  1. I'm struggling too. 12 pounds in 8 weeks. But this week is kicking my butt and and I haven't eaten properly or worked out enough and I'm up a pound. Grrrrr!!!!

    C'mon, you can do it. I'm cheering you on! :-)

    (I had much luck with the weight watchers points about ten years ago. I dont know what kind of changes they made now that they call it Points Plus).

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