Monday, May 6, 2013

The Summer of My Dis...sertation

So, now that school is out for summer, I am officially back to working on my dissertation full-time. It was slow going during the semester because it's hard to teach four courses (plus extracurricular projects), grade, and prep for the next day's classes.

In a nutshell, I was like this:
Thankfully, now I have a little time.

Meanwhile, my coworkers (especially Dr. Cofield) are like this:
I'm glad they don't dress up like the Cookie Monster...or hold me at gunpoint!

And this whole time, I've been thinking this:

I'm looking forward to getting back to work on my dissertation, and I really can't wait until I'm Dr. Bruce Finklea!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm just trying to give you a gift that keeps on givin' - free time!

    By the way- the "dissertation now" was Jackie's idea! (she misses you!)
