Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Will Always...

So I've learned a lot about myself this year. Here's just a couple of the things I've come to realize about myself...

I will always stop to get my picture taken with people dressed up in animal costumes...

And even alien costumes...

I will always long for the days when I had a head full of hair...

I will always be amazed by my view from an airplane seat...

I will always be a nerd. (Well, I guess I didn't learn this one this year.)

I will always take a picture on a painted pony.

I will always be worried when these two are together...

I will always love this woman (and try to have our picture taken with large animals in the background).

I will always try to take a good picture with nice lines and angles.

I will always wonder if my car is trying to tell me something...

I will always love these furballs...

I will always put my hand on a statue of butts and take a picture of the world's largest bra and tightie-whities.

I will always love Mom and Dad's Christmas tree...

I will always get a picture with art made out of jelly beans...

I will always pose with an over-sized M&M...

I will always love the beach!

I will always fake-lick a giant ice cream cone...

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