Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This is NOT an Abandoned Blog!!

Hello? Is anyone out there?

I know it's been a while since I've been on here, but school has been a massive time-suck lately (as the end of every semester is). But I'm SO close to the finish line...which is next Thursday!!! Between now and then, I've got 2 papers to write and 2 finals to take. I am ready to be done with them!

Blow the dust off the blog! (This is NOT my keyboard, by the way.)
Can't wait to cross the finish line!!!
I promise to be a better blogger this summer. I've already got a couple of adventures planned that I'm REALLY excited about, and I can't wait to blog about them!

1 comment:

  1. Lachelle is with you on the papers to write and the finals to take. She's been out of the loop so long (and is working full time as well) she has had to work doubly hard at it, but she's hanging in there with B's, so we are happy campers.
